Principal's Message
Principal I am humbled by the opportunity to be the Principal of Felton Elementary School, where “every kid is a success story” as a result of having incredibly caring teachers, classified staff and community working as a united entity to foster student success.
At Felton Elementary School we follow the District’s Vision and Mission by ensuring our students are receiving a quality education in all content areas that will lead them to college as they pursue a career of their choice. We have high expectations for our students and they always rise to the occasion. Our motto states, “if you teach them, they will learn.”
Felton Elementary School welcomes parents and partnerships from our neighbors who can contribute ideas, time, experiences and ongoing opportunities for our learners to grow and thrive in our ever-changing world. Our friendly parent center is equipped with resources and a Parent Liaison who will guide parents who wish to volunteer.
The School of Engineering at Felton Elementary provides a unique experience to our 4th and 5th grade students who engage in project based learning from their teachers and our very own Lennox product Engineer!
Teachers are committed to teaching the California Common Core State Standards in a technology-centered classroom along with the best instructional practices. Additionally, we provide Specialized Academic Instruction and related services in the least restrictive environment with a push-in/co-teach and pull out model. Felton Elementary houses the Districts Horizon’s program and provides applied behavior analysis interventions to students requiring those supports in their educational development.
Kindergarten students are exposed to Mandarin for an hour at the end of the day and this year we will continue offering Mandarin to a cohort of 1st graders.
The Intervention programs that are offered to our students are data driven and students are given multiple opportunities to excel.
The learning opportunities that are available at Felton Elementary School and all students in the Lennox School District to thrive are simply unparalleled. It’s an honor to serve my community.
Norma Martinez